If you have a request for the Prayer Chain, please contact Joanne McLellan, 677-1464.
Donations (monetary and/or canned/dry food) for Sacred Heart Food Bank would be greatly appreciated. For monetary donations, make them through your regular envelope; write “SHFB” on the “Special” line and the amount beside it.
When bringing food donations for Sacred Heart Food Bank, please ensure the “best before date” has not passed. Because of liability issues, SHFB does not distribute such food.
There are baskets in the Upper Room for cancelled postage stamps (with a ¼” border), and used eye glasses. There are also baskets for donations to Sacred Heart Food Bank and Haiti.
If you have any pictures and/or articles of people, activities, etc., of our church, please contact Colleen Dean, 677-5685, so that copies can be made.
Members of the Lambton Shrine Club are collecting empty pop cans. Money earned from this venture is used to help crippled and burned children. Fill a large garbage bag and then call 800-663-5483 for pick-up.
Unfortunately, Campbell’s is no longer supporting the “Campbell’s Labels for Education” program so please do not save any more labels. We gave the labels to the Bluewater Chordsmen and they raised a great deal of money to support various educational programs, particularly for children with special needs. Thanks for the support over the years!
The Canadian Bible Society would be pleased to receive donations of used books and/or Bibles. Criteria to consider:
- gently used books and Bibles;
- for all ages (adults, young adults, children);
- paperback or hard cover;
- regular or large print;
- English or non-English material;
- must be clean and in good shape;
- CD's / DVD's with no scratches.
For more information, contact the Canadian Bible Society national support office at 1-800-465-2425 or e-mail info@biblesociety.ca.
ACWAM (Active Christians with a Mission) is looking for help for its missions in Haiti. This Sarnia-based group supports 3 orphanages and 3 Christian schools in Haiti. They are looking for:
- sponsorship for children ($30.00/month). See the bulletin board for information;
- financial donations;
- people willing to go to Haiti for a short period (costs $1600);
- Metro cash register receipts;
- items such as barrettes, balloons, small toys, etc. (see bulletin board for complete list).
Please put these items in the box at the back of the church.
Haiti is so poor, it is now considered a fourth-world country so much help is needed. A major problem is Voodoo; it is very prominent in Haiti and presents many challenges for Christian workers. No administration fees are taken from sponsorship money or funds designated for Haiti. To make a donation, put it in your envelope and mark it "Haiti". For more information on ACWAM, see the bulletin board or
the ACWAM facebook page
UCB Canada 89.3 FM is a local Canadian Contemporary Christian radio station serving Chatham-Kent and the surrounding area. As a registered charity, UCB Canada is primarily listener-supported. For a complete program guide and to find out how you can support this ministry, visit Christian Radio-UCB Canada or call 519-351-1118.
For those interested in listening to Christian Radio Stations, such stations can be found at 560 AM, 1030 AM, 88.3 FM, and 103.5 FM. Some features include Christian music and reports by Jim Dobson. Dr. Dobson's Focus on the Family broadcast can be heard at 12 noon on WMUZ, 103.5 FM.